I reject the hustle lifestyle

2021-07-20T16:46:13+00:00September 14th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, C'est Ma Vie!|

If you know me, then you know that I’m mostly laid back, very organised and anal about time. But I’m not one of those rush-rush anal about time people, I’m more the laid back perfectionist type, the one who likes to make sure that I’ve overbooked a little extra so that I can enjoy the process, not just rush through

Moon cups are game changers. Period. 

2021-07-20T16:45:49+00:00June 15th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, Growing Up Girl|

We do not talk about our periods enough. In fact, most of the world doesn’t talk about it at all, as though it’s this disgusting, taboo thing that only happens to a tiny population of people with bad hygiene. If men had periods, we wouldn’t even be entertaining this conversation. Frankly, body odour is a natural occurrence and that doesn’t

30 brings an existential crisis 

2021-07-20T16:45:49+00:00May 14th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, In Search of Myself|

Time is not unlimited. It’s the most precious resource on the planet, and it’s so precious that once it’s lost, it is lost forever. Unfortunately for me, I am very aware of this fact. I look around at my life with every passing year and think, “what the hell am I really doing with my life?” Sometimes I’m on track,

What do you want to do with your life 

2021-07-20T16:45:49+00:00April 20th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, Alpha Woman|

And how do you get on track? Everyone has been here: you’re either standing in front of the mirror at the bathroom sink or sat at the edge of the bed after a shower, contemplating the state of affairs that comprise of your life. Head in hands, you ask yourself what the hell you’re doing, because for whatever reason, you

That time I was denied help: I was suicidal and sexually abused at home 

2021-06-15T05:08:11+00:00March 12th, 2021|• Featured, C'est Ma Vie!|

This week, the entire world has been talking about one thing: the Harry and Meghan interview. It was an interview that rocked the world and is one of the most telling interviews since Princess Diana’s landmark Panorama interview. I’ve seen the interview twice: once when it aired, and again this morning, but what is really interesting to me is the

Focusing when your own mind is a distraction 

2021-07-20T16:32:11+00:00March 4th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, C'est Ma Vie!|

Distraction is my biggest life foe. My curious nature allows my distraction to derail every attempt at being productive, and it thrives on my inability to complete tasks… This becomes one of those vicious cycles where I’m distracting myself with feelings of dissatisfaction for not being productive, which leads to further distraction and down the rabbit hole of self-destructive inner

The ongoing battle of a writing career

2021-07-20T16:31:50+00:00March 2nd, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, A War of Words Blog|

Writing for yourself is harder than writing for a client. Sometimes it feels damn near impossible to squeeze the words out, like being severely constipated, and there are a million and one distractions, ready for me. It’s television, my parrot, my stomach, my allergies, social media, and even the allure of other projects not related to what I’m supposed to

The origin story of my sexual abuse 

2021-07-20T16:30:30+00:00January 26th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, Heal Thyself|

Yes, you read that correctly. I have alluded to this before on this blog, but I haven’t really given the full story about it, or how it started. This is the tell-all some have been waiting for. I have enough material to write a book about this, and I am but today, it’s just going to be an article, detailing

Perfectionism is the secret to unlocking genius 

2021-07-20T16:29:48+00:00January 12th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, In Search of Myself|

When we talk about the Greats, these people of magnificent prowess in the highest ranks of their respective fields, we think about them being born into their roles, as though their success was somehow preordained, fated. We have been taught that genius comes from those exceptional people who are born that way, but the fact remains that these people were

Can anyone be a brilliant writer? 

2021-07-20T16:27:50+00:00January 5th, 2021|• Featured, • Reshare, A War of Words Blog|

Anyone can be an average writer, but being a talented writer, that’s something special. Writing is hard work, requires a lot of time, an ability to brood and ruminate, and can be a praise-less job until you hit the bestsellers list. Society looks down at writers with a sense of disdain, because of the parasitic starving artist stereotype, and they

Chapter three: finding the writer within

2021-06-15T05:07:52+00:00November 13th, 2020|• Featured, • Reshare, In Search of Myself|

Stuck. Frozen in perpetual frustration, the moment my eyes look at my blank manuscript, littered with a sparse outline masquerading as something substantial. This is every time I open a personal scrivener project. For six years, I’ve felt the cold chill in my bones of writing something that might become a book. Finding myself as a writer on this scale

A time of transition

2021-06-15T05:07:52+00:00September 26th, 2020|• Featured, • Reshare, C'est Ma Vie!|

I never would have thought that I would actually be a career writer. I never had that dream as a young girl, reading all those books and dreaming of spending my days clacking away at fiction. In fact, I thought I was good, but average at best. To be completely honest, I still don’t feel like my writing is anything

Asbestos in Makeup

2021-06-15T05:07:52+00:00December 13th, 2019|• Featured, • Reshare, The Columnist|

How does Asbestos end up in makeup?  It’s a very surreal thought, having a material as dangerous as asbestos in makeup, the stuff we put on our skin, specifically our faces and around our noses. A more stomach-dropping thought is that in 2017, asbestos was found in children’s makeup products… Imagine someone playing with makeup as a kid and suffering

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