December 2014

Using Evernote to Budget

2014-12-06T18:43:31+00:00December 6th, 2014|Sprout Your Business|

Evernote, traditionally, is a note taking application, but it can be used for many other things if you’re creative. One such way is budgeting. But how can one use a note taking app for budgeting? I’m glad you asked. Because I do it. I dislike having to use too many applications to do stuff, simply because I forget to use

Google Analytics: Behaviour & Engagement

2014-12-04T18:42:29+00:00December 4th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

How many of your users are new? How many are returning? How engaged are they? How many pages deep are they getting? You can get all these statistics in Google Analytics. I'll help you answer those questions in this article. New versus Returning Readers This feels like an age-old question, and in many ways it is. Shops know their new

Why Google Analytics is so Important to your Blog

2014-12-02T18:41:03+00:00December 2nd, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Do marketing specialists just throw out campaigns willy-nilly without doing any research on the market? No. So why are you spewing out content without looking at the audience you’re capturing? You need to know who is reading your content, because without it, your bounce rate will skyrocket, and your visits will be at an all time low. Like this: People

November 2014

Google Analytics: Desktop & Mobile Stats

2014-11-29T18:40:09+00:00November 29th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Knowing what browsers, operating system and service provider your readers use plays a big part in development of your website, and also with tailoring your content to fit their needs. Like the demographics, this is really easy to find in Google Analytics. You can get basic highlights right under the highlights on the Audience Overview page, as seen below: By

Using an Evernote @inbox Notebook to Get Sh*t Done

2014-11-27T18:39:00+00:00November 27th, 2014|Sprout Your Business|

If it wasn’t completely obvious, I use Evernote a lot. And with using Evernote a lot, you get to develop a lot of tricks to keeping yourself organised. At the time of writing this, I have 1800 notes in my Evernote. It’s not a lot because I delete a lot of notes when I’m done with them (I’ve got over

Google Analytics: Demographics

2014-11-25T18:37:52+00:00November 25th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

You're probably wondering why demographics metrics are so important. Well, it is, because if your content is being viewed mainly by people in Spain, you may want to have a Spanish translated version of your website. This is really easy to find in Google Analytics. You can get basic highlights right under the highlights on the Audience Overview page, as seen

Google Analytics: The Basics

2014-11-23T18:36:48+00:00November 23rd, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

We’ve been there; you were told to use Google Analytics because it’s “good” and now you don’t know what the hell you’re looking at. Don’t worry, I’ll explain it to you in detail in my latest series on Google Analytics. Welcome to Google Analytics: The Basics :) The Audience Overview panel is usually where you land when you select which

Blogging 101: Categories and Tags

2014-11-17T09:51:46+00:00November 17th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

If you’re new to blogging, you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to tags and categories. We’ll I’m here to help shine some light on that. There are hundreds of articles out there which explain the details of this, but I’m just here to give you the overview of them, why and how to use

Evernote for Blogging

2014-11-15T16:52:06+00:00November 15th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

I’m a huge fan of Evernote; everyone who reads this blog knows that. And I like to share all the ways I use Evernote to make my life 100% easier. I love blogging (possibly as much as I love Evernote!) but my schedule is crazy, so I don’t always get the time to write, or finish writing a piece I

Copyblogger removed comments and their Facebook page and I agree 100%

2021-02-23T15:54:42+00:00November 14th, 2014|TILT Your Marketing|

This morning, I saw an interesting article from The Social Marketers about Copyblogger’s move to remove comments from their website and their Facebook page. I disagreed with their stance on it, and support Copyblogger for making the move I just made. Let’s break this down a bit. Who the hell is Copyblogger?! If you’re not in the content marketing industry,

Digital Strategies are not (always) cheap

2021-02-23T15:54:37+00:00November 13th, 2014|TILT Your Marketing|

On a daily basis, I get about four or five requests from people, asking for strategies for websites, social media, or making their business digital on the whole. One in thirty or forty requests are prepared to spend the kind of money involved with upgrading their business to a more tech-savvy business. These things cost cold hard cash. There are

Why you should Schedule your Posts (WordPress)

2014-11-11T10:22:51+00:00November 11th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

This is a standard feature of WordPress which is severely under-utilised. Scheduling your posts could be the best thing you can do for your blog. Write to your heart’s content Gone are the days where I sit every night and try to write. Most days, I’m just not feeling like writing; other days, I can write up to ten articles

Tips for Starting a Blog

2014-11-06T17:09:46+00:00November 6th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Everyone and their neighbour seems to be blogging these days and you want to also, but have no clue where to start. Here are a few points to get you started. What are you going to write about? Finding a topic might be hard at first if you don’t have a role you want to fill. If you’re a photographer,

Why (and how) I use Evernote for Blogging

2014-11-03T16:21:02+00:00November 3rd, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

It is pretty evident that I use Evernote almost exclusively, but today I’ll be chatting a bit about using Evernote for blogging. When used efficiently, Evernote can be the most powerful tool anyone could have, especially writers. You see, people think that blogging is just write a post, hit publish and that’s it. Blogging is a lot more complicated than

Why I love Evernote

2014-11-02T16:07:07+00:00November 2nd, 2014|Sprout Your Business|

Have you ever had a thought and then when you went to jot it down it’s all gone? Well, my thought train moves so quickly it gets pretty hard to keep up, which I why I started using Evernote in the first place. I have an Android phone, which means I get an Evernote widget on my homescreen, and because

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