It’s time to Sprout Your Business! 🌱

Taking your idea from seed to blooming tree isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Sprout is content series on digital marketing, branding, and business for the new wave of technologically advanced consumers. Sprout’s topics include social media, ecommerce, mobile apps, websites, content marketing, branding, business planning and more.

While this series is targeted to freelancers and entrepreneurs, established business owners can benefit from the value nuggets that are inside.

Are you tracking your progress? 

2022-09-20T13:43:02+00:00November 10th, 2021|Sprout Your Business|

Unlike every data driven article, this will not be about tracking your social media metrics or your website traffic. This is about tracking your progress and productivity in general. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about productivity and myself, but I was only able to learn this from collecting data and looking at what has worked for me and

The Loneliness of Entrepreneurship 

2022-09-20T13:25:37+00:00March 31st, 2021|Sprout Your Business|

Lonely. That’s not what you’d expect to hear a millennial entrepreneur describe her journey as, but it is the truth. While I’m a massive introvert who enjoys the opportunity to say no to going out, this past year in lockdown has highlighted something that I did not even realise I felt - immense loneliness with my work.  Like many of

Self-branding is hard.

2021-06-15T05:07:52+00:00November 29th, 2019|• Featured, • Reshare, Sprout Your Business|

Marketing is my thing. Like this is what I sell to my clients every day. And I’m so impossibly shit at doing it for myself; it’s really pathetic. So, what did I do today? I planned to rectify this situation a bit. Let’s just say that I’m my worst enemy sometimes, and my harshest critic.  I am terrified of social

Employment Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past

2019-11-29T01:59:31+00:00April 24th, 2017|Sprout Your Business|

Throughout history, the industrialisation of the work force has evolved. We have seen a shift from coal workers to factory line workers, then the intense rise in technology and the creative industries which brought freelancing to the forefront. Twenty years ago, no one would have thought freelancing could be a career. Heck, eight years ago, I didn’t think it. A

Advice from a Failed Startup Founder

2021-06-15T05:07:53+00:00March 24th, 2017|• Featured, • Reshare, C'est Ma Vie!, Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

This business took everything. Two marriages. Two cars. Homes. Money. Sanity. Everything. How ready are you to open a business? There is no founder on the planet who has lost absolutely nothing in the process of gaining success. If anyone has ever told you that, call bullshit immediately. I refuse to believe that someone opened a business, and shot to

Why is Business Planning Important?

2021-06-15T05:07:22+00:00March 14th, 2017|• Reshare, Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

We’ve all wondered if a business plan actually makes sense. I didn’t do a thorough business plan for my first serious startup and it flopped, in ways I was not expecting it to. My justification for not taking the time to do it, was that it was all in my head and we didn’t need it because we were all

When is it the right time?

2021-02-23T16:14:46+00:00July 10th, 2016|Sprout Your Business|

When is the right time? The right time to start a business? The right time to start a family? The right time to start a degree? It's never going to be the right time. The right time is NOW. You'll never really know if you're ready for that next step unless you actually take it. So empower yourself to take that

Getting Clients to Commit! 

2016-07-09T02:55:07+00:00July 9th, 2016|Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

As a startup, and even as an existing business, it's becoming seemingly harder to get clients to commit to business for a set duration. However, for some businesses, it might mean the difference between sinking, floating and sailing. Committing clients to a five year contract for a simple service in this economy is ludicrous. Six-month and twelve-month contracts with three

The Rule of Three

2021-07-20T16:47:46+00:00July 8th, 2016|• Reshare, Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

The rule of three is simple. Pick three things you want to achieve today. And focus all your efforts on those three things.  By doing this, you end up clearing your task list much faster than you expected, you're not as drained, and you're more relaxed, because you only have three things to do today. The bonus is that when

How valuable is YOUR time?

2016-07-05T03:00:02+00:00July 5th, 2016|Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

How much do you value your time? Do you have a dollar figure per hour? Every business has tasks that no one wants to do, but someone has to do it, right? And if no one else can do it, then you have to do it, right? Wrong. When you, as a specifically-skilled individual, have to do a million things

Adding Value

2021-02-12T23:12:30+00:00July 4th, 2016|Sprout Your Business|

How are you adding value to the world? With every word that you say, every action that you make, how are you adding value? With this blog, adding value is key to its success, but also adding an element of speed, is key. Shorter blog posts packed with sometimes just two lines of the value bomb. Longer isn't better, I've

Relax! Not everyone wants to be a business owner… 

2016-07-03T02:59:07+00:00July 3rd, 2016|Sprout Your Business|

Have you ever had an idea that you wanted to discuss but you were SO afraid of someone stealing it that you said nothing, and nothing ever came of that idea? We have ALL had ideas like those. And the bullet to the chest is when you see someone else, totally unrelated to you, execute your idea... better. Unfortunately, what

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