August 2014

The Only Reason why you NEED a Web Presence

2014-08-25T10:02:26+00:00August 25th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

I would not think that in 2014 I would still be answering the now age-old question, “do I even need a web presence?”, but sadly, I still get asked this at least once a week, and have a hard time explaining it every single time. For me, it’s a pretty common sense answer to a pretty redundant question. If you have

DEATH: Coming to Terms with your own Mortality

2021-02-23T16:14:28+00:00August 3rd, 2014|Deep Thoughts|

My fiancé posted a link on Facebook at 5am this morning about coming to terms with your own mortality. Naturally, I commented “why were you online at that time of the morning” but what I really wanted to ask him was why was he reading that at 5 in the morning. I clicked the link and read the post, and

Start Ups: Do you REALLY need that office space?

2014-08-03T16:37:35+00:00August 3rd, 2014|Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

It’s a really nice impression to have a posh, shiny office, but not all start ups are created equal. When you’re doing your business plan, especially a start up, this is a major question for many – should you start up at home, or include that shiny, polished office in the start up funding? If you’re a start up, do

July 2014

#Hashtag Etiquette: What not to do, and what you should be doing

2021-02-23T16:52:12+00:00July 29th, 2014|TILT Your Marketing|

This article was featured on [Trinidad & Tobago Online]. For the last few years, #hashtags have migrated from Twitter and have spread their colonies across the social media networking world. They are very helpful for social media marketers who run promotions on social networks and it brings the world together in global conversations. However, not everyone is cognisant of how

March 2014

Organise & Simplify your Life

2014-03-30T01:18:20+00:00March 30th, 2014|Sprout Your Business, The Good Stuff|

With all of today’s technology, we’re spread out over at least three devices; the work computer, your personal laptop/desktop and your smartphone, not to mention tablet(s), some people have multiple phones, etc.  Then you have a million apps. For tasks, you have Remember the Milk, Out of Milk, Wunderlist, etc. For notes you have Google Docs, Google Keep, Evernote, Mac

Crowley Designed my School Programme

2021-02-23T15:54:29+00:00March 17th, 2014|C'est Ma Vie!|

I have not blogged in a while and most of you are probably wondering why. I’ve been buried six-feet under assignments. For those who are not aware, I’m currently enrolled in a very rough programme, which will pay off eventually (hopefully) – the Pearson BTEC HND Creative Media Production programme; which goes straight into the final year of BA Media and Communications. I

February 2014

Tips for Business Blogging

2021-02-23T16:52:04+00:00February 17th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Blogging is not rocket science, but if you’re not doing it right (like all things), it will fail. Upon looking for tips, I found this insane, yet very helpful article, on The Sales Lion, which will assist all you newbie business bloggers, and all other bloggers alike.  All of these tips will help you in some form or fashion. You just really

How Long should your Blog Posts be?

2014-02-07T00:18:20+00:00February 7th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Most bloggers have asked themselves the same question at some point in their career: how long should your blog post be? If you have done a simple Google search on the topic, you will realise that most experts contradict each other, indicating that their personal preferences influence their decision. There is no benchmark, no standard, no set limit for how

January 2014


2021-02-23T15:54:23+00:00January 31st, 2014|C'est Ma Vie!|

This is an opinion piece, which means, this is my opinion on a particular subject matter. You will either agree or disagree and I welcome debates in the comments, as long as no one gets emotional.  After hearing the radio reports on Monday morning, we drove into Port of Spain, braving the toxic smoke billowing out of the Beetham landfill.

What to do when your WiFi is down

2021-02-23T16:58:30+00:00January 31st, 2014|Tech, The Good Stuff|

We’ve all been there: internet is down, and you are bored to the point of insanity. So, what do you do when the internet is down? Here are a couple great ways to “kill your idle time” until the life-force, ahem I mean, internet is back up. De-Clutter your Computer Go through your ‘My Documents’ folder, and work your way

How to NOT spam your Social Media Community

2014-01-30T20:48:37+00:00January 30th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Spam is so popular on in the world that I don’t know where to begin when it comes to talking about it. There are different measurements of SPAM and everyone seems to have their own meter. That being said, what I would call frequent updating, someone will judge as spam, and vice versa. So how can you tell the difference

4 Reasons Why you NEED a Web Presence

2021-02-23T16:51:55+00:00January 27th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

This is a common question and a complete no-brainer. #1: Your consumers are there!  According to traditional marketing rules, you’re supposed to be where your target market is, and recently, most of everyone’s target market can be reached online. #2: People are looking for YOUR website!  You’ll be shocked to know how many people are looking for your website. If

When is it the right time?

2021-02-23T16:54:32+00:00January 27th, 2014|Get Shit Done|

We’ve all been in that place, that dark dank place, thinking, when should I start this project? Well I’ll answer that for you; the time is NOW. So many of us wait for the “right time” to start something: maybe when work gets less stressful, maybe at the start of the new year, maybe when I’m finished school. You see,

When It Rains, It Pours…

2021-02-23T15:54:17+00:00January 27th, 2014|C'est Ma Vie!|

…And it’s pouring cats, dogs, and elephants for me. Note, this is a rant-post, so if you’re not interested in my rant, then please proceed to the next post. This is a busy, hectic time for me; work is busy, school assignments are due, and being a digital strategist, I need my smartphone. My Smartphone Committed Suicide and I’m NEVER

7 Editing Rules That Will Totally Transform Your Next Post

2014-01-16T12:33:54+00:00January 16th, 2014|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

I found this post while stumbling around the internet (link), and I believe it will really help everyone. This does not apply only to bloggers, journalists, and professional copywriters, but also to when we’re writing emails, cover letters. It will help everyone get noticed. 1. Don’t Pad Your Prose with Empty Filler Words  (Or: Avoid Using Grammar Expletives) Grammar expletives are

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