December 2013

6 Weeks of Chaos

2021-02-23T15:54:05+00:00December 31st, 2013|C'est Ma Vie!|

The last few weeks have been utter chaos to say the least, and the worst part is that I didn’t have any after-work classes. My full time job had been hectic, and I, honestly, have been feeling a bit detached and unfocused. I don’t believe in writing if you’re not feeling like writing, because you’ll write rubbish. Looking back, I don’t

Why Hire a Social Media Marketing Expert and Hiring Tips

2013-12-30T20:18:23+00:00December 30th, 2013|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Why do you go to a doctor when your kid is sick? Why did you hire a marketing/advertising professional for your business? Why are you asking why to hire a professional for social media? If you haven’t figured out why yet, then you’re not alone. Many businesses ask this question every single day. Why hire a professional?  The answer is obvious: they

Major LinkedIn Mistake Many Professionals Make

2021-02-23T16:55:39+00:00December 21st, 2013|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

If you’re only adding members from your organisation, you probably don’t know what I’m about to talk about; but if you’re like me, and love to network via social media portals, then you’ll know exactly what I mean. The biggest turn off on LinkedIn is SPAM; and there is a great deal of it. As a professional, I hate to

November 2013

Protect Yourself from Cyber Scams

2021-02-23T16:58:08+00:00November 27th, 2013|Tech, The Good Stuff|

Quite recently, I’ve received a number of messages through LinkedIn for people offering me jobs in places I wouldn’t even dream of working in. Nairobi, Kenya, Zimbabwe, just to name a few. I’m used to these scams, so at most times, I don’t even open the message. <delete> Recent international news reports have shone some light on this matter, since

My Morning Routine with Charms

2021-02-23T15:54:12+00:00November 21st, 2013|C'est Ma Vie!|

My Morning Routine with Charms 4AM.. meow.. meow.. MEOW... "Go away Charms"... MEEEOOWWWWWW "No" (This happens every 15 mins until 6AM) 6AM... Ohh, look the human is still SLEEPING. Let me CLAW HER EYES OUT.. "Oh f*ck it Charms, those are eyes you know! Go and sleep" 6:15AM.. She's still asleep.. ah-HA, there is the soft fleshy part of her

One of the Best Advertising Techniques I’ve seen

2021-02-23T16:55:34+00:00November 20th, 2013|TILT Your Marketing|

  From the Youtube Page: On the 130th anniversary of the founding of Banco Sabadell we wanted to pay homage to our city by means of the campaign "Som Sabadell" (We are Sabadell) . This is the flashmob that we arranged as a final culmination with the participation of 100 people from the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Lieder, Amics de l'Òpera

Drawing Inspiration from Within, and Harnessing my Inner Drive

2021-02-23T15:54:00+00:00November 9th, 2013|C'est Ma Vie!|

For the last few months, I will admit that I have been making excuses for a lot of things; having a plaster for every sore.. Whether it came to procrastinating my personal work, exercise, yoga, meditation, or anything which does not currently fit into my schedule and busy life. So, enough excuses and procrastination, this morning, I woke up with

Why you should train your In-House Staff to execute your Social Media Strategy

2013-11-08T08:31:53+00:00November 8th, 2013|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Why train? This is a question I have to answer tremendous amount. The second most popular question after is “but aren’t you creating people to replace you?” Yes, I am; and I have good reasons to. I like training people to be more social media savvy, in fact more digital on the whole. The experience for me is very rewarding.

Divali Noise

2021-02-23T15:53:51+00:00November 4th, 2013|C'est Ma Vie!|

Over the weekend, Trinidad celebrated Divali, the hindu festival of lights, on the darkest night of the year. This is a very auspicious occasion, and lies very deep within the hindu religion - meaning, this is a deeply religious occasion, at least for the Hindus. Over the years, things have changed, and not for the better. Every single year, it

October 2013

Tips and Tricks for Braces Noobs

2021-02-23T16:14:19+00:00October 31st, 2013|Beauty|

Okay, two weeks ago, I (finally) got my braces put in, and I must say that there are things that I wish I knew about before. No, you can’t eat this.. or that… or that.. or that… : Before you get them in, know that your diet is going to change. Chances of you eating anything you normally eat are

9 Ways to Screw up your Social Impact

2021-02-23T16:55:29+00:00October 17th, 2013|TILT Your Marketing|

There are many mistakes you can make out in the great inter-webs which you may not even notice, but it’s hurting your social reach and impact, which is bad… big time. So here is a short list of the very many out there. #1: Stalking. Stalking a person on social media is creepy. Don’t like every update, and comment on

Bad Customer Service will Hurt your Social Media Impact

2021-02-23T16:55:22+00:00October 14th, 2013|TILT Your Marketing|

Don’t you hate it when you ask a question and you don’t get a response? Yeah, I hate it too. However, customer service is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about social media. Customer service is a key foundation element of social media and a key to its success. Most businesses have a public online

Social Media 101

2021-02-23T16:54:23+00:00October 13th, 2013|TILT Your Marketing|

There are many social media 101 articles out there, but this is a comprehensive guide to the social media novice. Social Media Marketing is not rocket science, but there is a wrong and a right way to do it. The question most often asked is “are we doing this right?” Most of the time, the answer is ‘wrong’, and it’s

Increase your Social Media Interaction and Engagement NOW!

2021-02-23T16:55:04+00:00October 5th, 2013|The Good Stuff, TILT Your Marketing|

Hands down, one of the most important things to your social media marketing strategy is interaction and engagement. Most people are baffled when I tell them that although “Likes” and “Followers” are important, they are not the most important thing. An online community of 50 people who have heavy interaction and engagement is more valuable than a page of 10K

Why You Should Hire a Wedding Planner

2021-02-23T16:35:34+00:00October 5th, 2013|C'est Ma Vie!|

You’re engaged! Now it’s time to plan your dream wedding, but where do you begin? Venue, cake, dress, guest list, caterer, bar, and the list goes on. But, there are many things that the blushing bride will forget, and in many cases, not know, when it comes to planning an event as grand as a wedding. Hiring a wedding planner

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